
Our Technology Aquifer

Table of Contents

5-min read

Aquifer is a clinical case library that enables students to remotely experience a wide variety of clinical scenarios. Currently, we have access to cases within these specialties:

  • Family Medicine
  • Geriatrics
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neurology
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Pediatrics
  • Radiology
  • WISE-MD (Surgery)
  • WISE-OnCall (On-call scenarios for year 4 preparation)

Aquifer also provides topic-based cases:

  • Diagnostic Excellence
  • Foundations of
  • High Value Care
  • Palliative Care
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • Integrated Illness Scripts
  • Oral Presentation Skills

Overall, Aquifer contains 150+ cases/modules to help develop clinical reasoning. To get started, register and sign in using the links below:

1. How to Register

You must register before you can log in!

2. Aquifer Log In
From here, delve into the case library and create courses. 

Be sure to register before you login!

Aquifer registration links are sent via email. Check your @WSU email if you haven't already. Reach out to MedTech if you can't find your invitation!

Aquifer Cases

When you first login to Aquifer, you will arrive at a dashboard that allows you to search the Content Library and view some of Aquifer’s curated course lists. The first courses, listed at the top, are Aquifer’s curated case lists. Access these cases at any time. They can be separated by Discipline or Topic

Once you have selected a case either through the Content Library or a course, you can click the title of the case to begin working through it. You can also see your progress and report your case completion stats. You can also sort by:

  • Title (alphabetical order).
  • Last access.
  • Case completion.

If you are completing cases on your own, you may complete a case that is part of a later assigned course. If you want to challenge yourself again or start with a clean slate, see our section on resetting a case.

Students may be assigned specific cases as part of a custom course in Aquifer. When you are invited to a custom course, you will receive an email notification. This will include the title, plus its scheduled start and end times. The custom course can also be accessed through the home dashboard.

Then, the case will be available at the bottom of your dashboard.

Answer quick multiple choice questions in response to clinical contexts.
Submit longer paragraph-style answers to show how you are working through the case and respond to more complex questions.
Deep Dives provide additional context for important themes within a case.
After completing a case, you can download the case summary for continued study.

Navigate Cases

Click on a Case title and begin logging progress. To advance, read all the context and answer associated questions for each section.


During the case, you will answer questions and submit responses. At the end, there will be additional case questions to test your learning with scenarios that are similar to the case.

Take Notes

When working through a case, you can quickly jot down ideas for potential diagnoses, current findings, other notes, parts you have bookmarked, and a normative table of lab values. These are here to aid in studying but do not affect completion of the case. 

How to view your progress reports

Reset Cases

In some instances, cases might be completed before you have them assigned. You may also want to complete a case again as a study aid. Whatever the reason, when you click into a course, there is a Progress Reset button at the top of the page.

Make sure to Download any notes that you had previously before you Reset. You will no longer have access to the entire case and will start from the beginning.

Once you tap the Progress Reset button, you’ll be able to select the case or cases in that course you want to redo.

  • Download any notes from the cases.
  • Then, tap the Reset Items button.

Aquifer For Your Mobile Device

Aquifer is available for Apple and Android devices. After downloading the app and while you are connected to Wi-Fi , sign in to your account. Complete cases as you normally would, and they will sync with the Cloud to update your progress.

Click the button to download the Android or iPad application

Aquifer Resources

An Aquifer Geriatrics Educator Guide is coming soon! Educator guides are constantly being added and edited—check back often for updates.

Keep Learning

Wise-MD and Wise-OnCall