MedTech Blog

2024 Information Technology in Academic Medicine conference

Members of the Office of Technology team recently attended the 2024 Information Technology in Academic Medicine Conference in New Orleans. This annual conference is sponsored by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Group on Information Resources (GIR) and brings together established and emerging leaders in technology and data-focused roles within the academic medicine space.

Conference Highlights

The conference featured sessions on navigating AI, project management, instructional design, and much more! It was an amazing opportunity to connect with individuals from across the country and hear about what others are doing and how we can learn from each other.

Erika Fleck and James Henderson also received an honorable mention for the GIR Excellence Award for their 2023 presentation (and a later webinar): "From Chaos to 30,000+ Strategically Managed Tasks," on the implementation of Asana and project management across the college.

This award acknowledges a contribution with an innovative national or institutional impact that serves as a model for other institutions to follow. 

E.Flo updates: Summer 2024 release

From the Admins

The Summer 2024 release will take us from version 1.24 to 1.27. This update primarily impacts staff and administrators. It brings helpful new features and improvements to areas of Assessment and Evaluation, Exams, and Gradebook, as well as other smaller enhancements and bug fixes throughout the system. We hope you’ll take a moment to review the information below that may impact how you interact in E.Flo MD, and reach out if you have any questions! 


What changes will I see?


  • New feature added for learners to self-record attendance to learning events. A learning event can only have either geolocation attendance or self-recorded attendance enabled, not both. 

Assessment and Evaluation

  • New feature added for learners to receive an email notification when an assessor completes an Assessment or Evaluation Task on them and selects one or more prompted responses. This is configured on the course page and is defaulted to off. 

  • For administrators, an additional column was created on the Assessment & Evaluation dashboard to show the expiry date on outstanding tasks. 

  • New feature added to create items in an Assessment & Evaluation Task that are confidential and not visible to students. The new item type is called Confidential Free Text Comments and will only appear for users completing the form who are an admin or a course owner of the associated course.

  • New feature added to disable initial Assessment & Evaluation Task emails that get generated. This can be disabled when creating a new distribution. 

  • New feature added to show whether a rotation has distributions associated with it and what they are. This can be found in the Rotations Setup screen within Clinical Experience.

  • New feature added so that when viewing items and groups items in a list view, it shows a preview of the item text or a preview of the entire item, respectively, so that it is easier to know which item is which. 


  • Improvement to Exam Question Management so that you can now add labels or courses to grouped questions on the setup page.  

  • Improvement to Exam Question Management and the Grouped Questions page so that you can filter based on labels.  

  • Added a new exception in exams for learners to allow for a non-secure exam taking of a secure exam.  


  • Added a new feature so that administrators can import or export grader to learners for a Gradebook Assignment. The CSV will require a column for Learner Email and another for Grader Email. 

  • Improvement to Gradebook assessment table to show the submission status for an assignment so that you can see whether something was submitted on time or late. 

NEJM Knowledge+ is now part of Amboss

Amboss recently announced their acquisition of NEJM Knowledge+ from the esteemed NEJM Group, setting a new gold standard in medical learning and patient care!

The most noticeable aspect of this is that there are now an additional 3,095 questions added to the platform available to any Amboss user. These questions are directed more towards residents, since they are primarily for specialty board certifications in Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, and Pediatrics. There are also other areas in the platform, like the library and clinician mode, that will see some more robust content and improved features in the near future.

Alongside this, Amboss is planning to release a new and revamped educator tool, which will really improve the usability. Some of the new functionality includes really basic things, such as duplicating previous quizzes to make an updated one. It’s coming very soon, and Amboss will share more information on that as we get a bit closer to the release date!

Learn more about Amboss


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