E.Flo MD Services

Services E.Flo MD Services

A flexible teaching and learning platform growing with our curriculum.

Services Include:


What we can do for you . . .

E.Flo MD integrates a teaching and learning platform and provides learners, instructors, and program administrators with consistent management and delivery of educational activity. We work hard to make E.Flo MD the platform you trust to put at the center of the education, operations, and data strategies for our medical program. We strive to understand trends and active development and anticipate or respond quickly to the evolving needs of a complex curriculum. We are always looking for opportunities to improve or extend the effectiveness of E.Flo MD.

E.Flo MD is built on Elentra, a learning- and curriculum-management system developed collaboratively by a consortium of more than twenty peer institutions. We are recognized experts and leaders in the Elentra community and part of the product management team, and regularly engage in information sharing and ongoing planning and development efforts.

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