Our innovative applications make teaching easier.
Services Include:

- Complete Anatomy
- Anki
- Amboss
- Articulate Rise
- Aquifer
- B-Line
- Canopy
- Digital Scope
- ECG Weekly
- Explain Everything
- Kahoot!
- Notability
- Osmosis
- Poll Everywhere
- Radiology-Teaches
- Sketchy Medical
- Thieme
- VisualDX
What we can do for you . . .
We procure, implement, train, and support specialty medical education applications. We advise in the selection and procurement of medical education applications, then provide full-service support for all applications for student and faculty use.
The Education Technology Unit strives to be experts so we can create documentation, provide access and train our partners, and quickly address any questions or issues as they come up. If we don’t have an answer to a question or the ability to fix something, we will work directly with vendors and update you along the way.
Need training with one of our applications?
Contact us to see how we can help.