Manage Notifications

Our Technology Slack Manage Notifications

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You can manage general notifications by clicking on the Workspace Name, then selecting Preferences from the drop-down menu.

You can also manage notifications for each channel you belong to by clicking on the Channel Name, then selecting an option from the Notifications drop-down.

Pause Notifications

If you’d like to pause notifications for a short amount of time:

    1. Open your Profile in the top left.
    2. Select Pause Notifications, then click the length of time you’d like to pause for.

You can also set a notification schedule that only allows notifications during a certain time frame. Follow the instructions above, but select Set a Notification Schedule from the Pause Notifications menu.

Mute a Channel

If you are having a difficult time keeping up with all of the notifications, one thing you can do to cut down on some of the “noise” is Mute Channels:

    1. Open the channel you’d like to mute.
    2. Click on the Channel Name, then select the Notifications Menu.
    3. Select Mute Channel.

Pro Move: Set Your Status

You can set a descriptive status in Slack, like “Out Sick” or “Vacationing”—or you can write a custom status. Just click your Profile icon, then update your status. Make sure you add a fun emoji! 🏃‍♀️🏖🤒

Active or Away

You can also manually indicate if you’re active or away on Slack. It can be helpful to set it as Away when you’re trying to concentrate so others don’t message you!

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