

Table of Contents

5-min read

Log In to WordPress

  1. Tap the blue Login with Okta button. (Check the Remember Me box to make it a little easier next time.)
  1. Log in using your WSU credentials. (You may have to go through the MFA login process.)

This brings you to the Learning site.

The home page is in development and will soon look much better!

Find Your Pages

  1. In the black Learning toolbar at the top of the page, click on Dashboard to take you into the WordPress end of the site.
  1. In the left-hand toolbar, hover on Pages and choose All Pages.
  1. In the Show All Faculty Names dropdown box, select your name and click the Filter button.
  2. This will show you all of the pages that are on your site. Click on any of the page titles to open one.

This brings you into the WordPress backend of the page.

Please get in touch before you make changes to this part of the page—you don't want to break any queries!

Edit Your Page

  1. To make text edits to the page, click on the Edit with Elementor button.
  1. You are now in the Elementor plugin. To edit a paragraph, click anywhere on the paragraph (a pink border should appear around it, so you know it is selected), and then use the Text Editor on the left to make your changes.
  1. Preview your changes by clicking on the eye icon in the bottom of the left-hand column. Don’t forget to click the pink Update button when you’re done!

Keep Learning