Power BI Basics

Our Technology Power BI Basics

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5-min read

Power BI is available for use by current Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine students, faculty, and staff.

What is Power BI?

Power BI is a Microsoft application (like Word, PowerPoint, or Excel) used for interactive data visualization. The Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine uses Power BI as a tool to provide students, staff, and faculty with interactive data monitoring views.

How Power BI Is Used

For students and faculty, Power BI:

  • Supports learner dashboards and course monitoring reports with data collected through E.Flo MD and other sources.  
  • Enables us to use detailed visuals that are more versatile than E.Flo MD.
  • Is used by staff and faculty for administrative purposes such as absence tracking, accreditation, preceptor billing, and more.


Students use Power BI to review their performance feedback and growth across all four years of training. In addition to providing transparency in student data, students utilize these dynamic views of feedback to inform purposeful skill development and goal setting. With these dashboards, students have views incorporating feedback from workplace-based assessments, assignments, exams, and other activities. Students and coaches work together to review these dashboards periodically and set learning plans based on the feedback provided.

Access Power BI

Report security is a top priority. To help with this, reports are only shared with specific users based on their current roles within the college. Within each Power BI report, users have different access levels.

For example:

  • In a learner dashboard, students only have access to their personal feedback.
  • Coaches may have access to students under their coaching assignment.
  • Regional deans may have access to students at their campus.


This allows the Data Team supporting Power BI across the college to manage permissions on multiple levels. Faculty, staff, and students are only provided with access relevant to their current roles.

New Power BI reports are shared by distributing a special first-time access redemption link. These sharing links may be shared in several ways depending on the user group.

Students receive first-time sharing links through E.Flo MD announcements. Student dashboard links are also found under their Cohort Assessment Resources.

Power BI reports for faculty are shared based on specific faculty roles within the college. Some groups (Clinical Competence Panel or Coaches) may receive their report link through group Sharepoint sites. For other groups, secure sharing links may be emailed to specific audiences. 

Re-access Existing Power BI Reports

Access the Basic Student Dashboard

Students receive one report for each year of the curriculum. By the end of the 4-year program, students will have a set of Power BI reports that follow this basic structure.

This report displays feedback from MED FMS, LMH, and SCHLR courses in the first two years. Typically, this is one longitudinal dashboard unless major updates in data views are made between Year 1 and Year 2.

FMS 513 is a transitionary course at the end of Year 2 that prepares students for Year 3. A transitionary dashboard introduces students to a preview of data views they will see in their Clerkship Dashboard.

This Year 3 Dashboard displays feedback collected in the Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC). Students can monitor their past and upcoming clinical experiences, completion of course requirements, and skills growth through this report.

This report displays feedback on clinical assessments, assignments, exams, and grades in their 2-week and 4-week rotations.

The Year 4 Exit OSCE is programmatic and does not fit under a particular MED CLIN Course. Feedback on the Year 4 OSCE is provided separately in this private report for the student.

View Power BI Reports

Title of the Report

Title of the Report

Page Navigation

Page Navigation

View of Current Page/Data

View of Current Page/Data

Available Filters

Available Filters

Supporting Text and Notes

Supporting Text and Notes

Reset Filter Button

Reset Filter Button   

Zoom Controls

Zoom Controls

Tip and Tricks for Power BI Navigation

Many of the larger reports (learner dashboards, course evaluations, course monitoring dashboards) are accompanied by introduction or overview pages. It is highly recommended that viewers review these pages as they often outline key context needed for framing the rest of the information. These introduction pages typically outline the goal of the report, key metrics (like grading criteria or processes), and where to seek support if you need it.

Many Power BI Reports utilize slicers (or filters) to enable users to scope data in certain ways. These filters could be for dates, courses, campuses, students, and more. Slicers function across pages of the report so selecting a filter on one page carries over into adjacent pages as well.

Reset slicers/filters in two ways:

  • Individual resets: Remove a single filter using the Erase button that appears when you hover over the menu.

  • Mass reset: All filters on a report can be reset by using the green Reset button in the top-right of the report. This will clear all filters across all pages of your report.

Power BI remembers the filters you used the previous time you viewed your report. Be aware of what filters are engaged when you reopen a report or reset as needed.

Power BI Support

The Data Strategy Team is responsible for development, maintenance, and sharing of Power BI reports across the college. For technical questions and concerns, please reach out to the Data Strategy Team for support.

Related Reading

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