Take a Screenshot

So often, the simplest solution is to take a screenshot!

Our Technology Take a Screenshot

Table of Contents

5-min read

Tips and Tricks

What’s important? Zoom in on that!

  • On a Mac: Cmd + Plus
  • On Windows: Ctrl + Plus
  • For a website, click View in the navigation bar and then Zoom In.

Crop In Before Taking a Screenshot

Not cropped to important information.
Cropped to the important information.

Zoom and crop during screenshot captures, not after. Cropping and Zooming after the screenshot is captured destroys the image resolution, which makes the text illegible and images blurry.


Choose PNG over JPG. JPG is a compressed file format. PNG allows for legible text and crisp lines, which makes it better for presentations or information sharing.

PNG screenshot
JPG screenshot

Need a full webpage?

Now you can take a screenshot, take notes on the image, and send it to a colleague.

Continuous Webpage Screenshot–iPad or iPhone

  1. Press the Power button and Volume up button at the same time.
  2. Tap on the thumbnail in the bottom corner.
  3. There will be two tabs at the top, tap Full page and then Done.
  4. Then, tap Save PDF to files.
  5. Make notes on the PDF in your favorite note-taking app.

Continuous Webpage Screenshot–Firefox

  1. Go to the URL.
  2. Click Command+Shift+S.
  3. Then, select Save Full Page.
  4. Firefox will save the full-page screenshot in your Downloads folder.

Continuous webpage screenshots can be done in Safari and Chrome browsers, but it's not easy.

Bonus Tip

If you want to bypass all the steps for taking a continuous webpage screenshot on Firefox. Create a screenshot button.

  1. Click on the Three lines in the top-right corner of the screen.

2. Then, click on More tools and Customize toolbar.


3. Finally, click and drag the Screenshot clip button into your Firefox toolbar in the top-right. Now you can take a screenshot anytime you want.

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