The Library

Our Technology Library Resources The Library

Table of Contents

3-min read

The Health Sciences Library is open twenty-four hours a day and is located in the SAC building on the second floor.

How to Access Library Resources

When you access library resources on campus, you are associated with WSU through the IP address. Accessing library resources from off-campus locations (or other IP addresses) requires a proxy, which is an extra step that library databases use to authenticate users.

You can tell if a link is proxied by looking at the start of the link. A proxied link will often start with or (followed by the URL).

Use the following methods to access library resources off campus. You should always be prompted to sign in with your network ID and password before being taken to the page you are attempting to access.


The Medicine LibGuide is organized to match the layout of our curriculum and provide proxied links to the main page of every database to which you have access.

Library Guide for all students and faculty

Connect to the VPN

You can use the VPN to create a tunnel to the campus network, allowing you to freely browse library resources as if you’re on campus and negate the need for a proxied link.

Global Protect VPN

Add the Proxy

If you are having trouble accessing a resource or would like to create a proxied link you can share with others, you can use one of the following proxy tools.

Creating proxy links

WSU Library Resources for Preceptors


New England Journal of Medicine





Clinical Key




Access Medicine





LWW Health Library








DynaMed Plus



Optional Tools

A study tool for medical students that provides videos, flashcards, and quizzes to help students retain and recall information.

A visual memory aid for medical students where “sketches” are drawn to represent key components of a virus, drug, disease, etc. While the sketch is being drawn, a narrator talks through the sketch and explains what each symbol represents. Currently, SketchyMedical offers sketches for microbiology, pharmacology, and pathology.


Complete Anatomy
An anatomy program that allows you to search for specific structures and orient them in a three-dimensional way with respect to other structures. The program is very customizable as far as which structures are present at any given time. There are also anatomical instructional videos, as well as quizzes using 3D structures to test knowledge.


Explain Everything
An interactive whiteboard application available on your iPad and through your browser. Use it to create interactive workspaces or capture lectures. The sky is the limit!

Experiencing trouble with library resources?
Help us find and resolve the underlying problems by reporting every issue:

Keep Learning

Access Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination