What is Simcapture (formerly B-Line)?
Simcapture is the video recording system used in the Virtual Clinical Center during Clinical Skills Workshops and Standardized Patient Encounters.
Access Simcapture
Currently, you must use a computer, rather than a tablet or iPad , to access the videos.
Download Google Chrome
Simcapture recordings load best through Google Chrome.
Sign In
Click the link to the Simcapture website (https://sim.medicine.wsu.edu/ui2/login), then log in with your WSU network ID and Password.
View Recordings
Your most recent session will appear on the left of the main page. Click Debrief Session to jump directly to that video. To access other sessions, click the Sessions button at the top of the screen.
Your videos will show up in a list. Click on a Title to see the video.
Watching Videos

If you bring your cursor to the top of the window in the new debriefing window, a navigation menu appears. Alternatively, you can use the Forward and Back buttons of your browser to navigate the pages.