E. Flo MD Naming Conventions

Our Technology E. Flo MD Naming Conventions

Table of Contents

5-min read

The Academic Operations departments (Assessment, Curriculum, and Education Technology) have adopted a standardized naming format for E.Flo MD events and learning materials. 

Consistent naming reduces the cognitive load and allows students, faculty, and staff to organize and easily process the content.

Learning Materials

When it comes to learning materials, consistency is key. When presentations, pre-class, and post-class resources are labeled the same and look cohesive to students, it allows them to trust and absorb the content. 

Standard PowerPoint Presentation released before or during the session and contain all PowerPoint slides for the session.

Naming Convention

  • (Session name)(Dash, no spaces)-Presentation Slides

Example: Histology Guide Extrapulmonary Respiratory-Presentation Slides

Pre-class PowerPoint presentations include those with missing slides released before the start of the session.

Naming Convention

  • (Session name)(Dash, no spaces)-Preclass Slides

Example: Histology Guide Extrapulmonary Respiratory-Preclass Slides

Post-class PowerPoint presentation that includes all slides from “Pre-Class Presentation Slides” along with additional slides presented during the session. Typically, these slides will be time released to become available to students at the end of the session.

Naming Convention

  • (Session name)(Dash, no spaces)-Postclass Slides

Example: Histology Guide Extrapulmonary Respiratory-Postclass Slides

Word documents should never be posted on E.Flo MD!

Please convert Word document learning materials into a PDF before posting them on E.Flo MD, and use the naming convention for PowerPoint and PDF presentations.

Naming Convention

  • (Presentation, preclass, or postclass) PDF(Dash, no spaces)-(# pages)

Example: Postclass PDF-5 Pages

Session guides are a great way to help students study.

Naming Convention

  • Session Guide

Example: Session Guide

For questions about presentation templates for your learning materials (that include style guides), please contact Ed Tech.


Before posting on E.Flo MD, use Incognito Mode (or a private browsing window) to test your Open Athens links. This removes your sign-in, so you can test what it looks like for someone who clicks the link without being signed into a WSU account.

Before posting to E.Flo MD, generate an OpenAthens link for books and articles from the library. If you are unsure how to do this, please contact a librarian.

For library books, E.Flo MD requires a time for how long you think it will take to read this resource.

Naming Convention

  • (Textbook Name)(Dash, no spaces)-(Chapter #)(Dash, no spaces)-(pages)



  • Medical Microbiology 9th ed-Chapter 1-pp 34–64
  • OR, if you would like students to read multiple chapters, use this format:
    • Medical Microbiology 9th ed
    • Place the chapters in the comment section instead of the title.


Converted Link Example


to this link using Open Athens:


Many faculty create learning materials in Rise Modules or work with Digital Publishing to create webpages. If you are using one of these types of links, use the following naming convention on E.Flo MD.

Naming convention

  • (Website Name)(Dash, no spaces)-(Page Name)



  • MD Learning: MDLearning-DNA
  • Rise Guide: Rise Guide-Population Health


If you are linking to a regular website, use this naming convention: 

  • (Website or article name)



  • The Stanford Guide to Antimicrobials


Naming Convention for website videos:
(Video location)(Dash, no spaces)-(Name of video)(Dash, no spaces)-(~length of video in parentheses)(Dash, no spaces)-Link (add your hyperlink to the word “Link”)


  • Osmosis-Mitosis and Meiosis (~4 mins)
  • YouTube-RWJF: EBV Fever (~4 mins)

Exception: If the video is on the MD Learning website, please follow that naming convention.

Naming Convention

(Pre-class or Asynchronous Session Recording)(Colon, no spaces): (Session name)(~Length of video)

Pre-class Recording Example

  • Pre-class Recording: Cell Motility: The Cytoskeleton and Molecular Motors (~15 min)

Asynchronous Session Recording Example

  • Asynchronous Session Recording: Pituitary Overproduction (~50 min)

Style Guide

This style guide helps faculty and staff keep E.Flo MD events and learning materials clear and consistent.

Use title case, not sentence case, for events and learning materials. Titles should have the first letter of each word capitalized. However, there is no need to capitalize the first letter of articles (an or a) or conjunctions (or, for, or and).

  • E.Flo Clinical Events, not E.Flo clinical events

Not sure how to do this? Let Capitalize My Title help you.
Please do not use an ampersand (&) when inputting the names of materials and activities/sessions. Use the word and.
Please use a hyphen (-) without spaces to separate segments of a session’s title (rather than a colon or any other symbol), and if applicable use the “Oxford” or serial comma.
The qualifiers lecture, virtual patient, online module, clinical experience, or an activity type should not be included in the session’s title.

  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome-Lecture should be Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  • Ethics-Small Group should be Ethics
  • Clinical Experience-Blood Pressure Measurement should be Blood Pressure Measurement
Every session should have a unique name to help distinguish it in the database and for reporting. However, there are a few cases where two sessions may have the same name:
A lecture and corresponding lab have the same name, so the lecture will be the stand-alone name, and the lab will have "-Lab" after the title.

  • Lecture = Anatomy of the Upper Airways
  • Lab = Anatomy of the Upper Airways-Lab

Art and Practice of Medicine Lectures and Small Groups have the exact same name, so the Lecture will be the stand-alone name, and the Small Group will have -Cases, (if cases are being discussed) or -Practice, (if clinical skills are being practiced) after the title.


  • Lecture = Ethics-Conflict of Interest
  • Small Group = Ethics-Conflict of Interest-Cases
  • Clinical Skills = Ethics-Conflict of Interest-Practice


Note: Ed Tech posts learning materials (PDFs only) for the Art and Practice of Medicine.

Avoid Acronyms

Please try to avoid the use of acronyms! If required, always write out the full text followed by the acronym, in parentheses. 


  • Overview of CHF 
    • Overview of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
  • Diagnosis of CNS Infections
    • Diagnosis of Central Nervous System (CNS) Infections


Note: Use the acronym for the short name, if it is commonly known and used. (See Long Session Names.)

Long Session Names

When the session name is too long, a shorter version can be used. Note: Use the full session title for the session learning materials.


There are 4 abnormal red blood cell physiology sessions, so we can shorten the titles into parts (this example is session 1 in the series).

  • Full Name: Abnormal Red Blood Cell Physiology-Normocytic Anemia, Hemoglobinopathy, and Sickle Cell Disease
    • Short Name: Abnormal Red Blood Cell Physiology I
  • Full Name: Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat (HEENT), and Neck Examination
    • Short Name: HEENT and Neck Examination


Case-Based Learning titles will have the name of the patient and the number of the session (1, 2, or 3), separated by a dash without spaces (-). Note: This allows for different objectives for each session in a case, if needed.

Naming Convention

(Patient name)-(Session number)


  • Adonis Garcia-1
  • Adonis Garcia-2
  • Adonis Garcia-3

Use roman numerals (I, II, or III) to distinguish between sessions that are part of a series. Note: Objectives can be the same or different between each session.


  • Disorders of the Stomach I
  • Disorders of the Stomach II

Clinical skills workshops from the Art and Practice of Medicine use the following:

Naming Convention

(Title)(dash, no spaces)-(CSW Course Code)(dash, no spaces)-(# The number will be in consecutive order throughout the pre-clerkship phase, independent of the curricular week)


  • Medical History Taking-CSW 501-1

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