You see our names behind Slack posts, email messages, and E.Flo communications—but who is the Office of Technology, really? Get to know us a little more (and see which treats we prefer, if you want to bring some by).
Today meet Nick Brommer, the perfect radio voice that you hear during your Zoom sessions.

What brought you to the College of Medicine?
I first started working for WSU Spokane back in 19(mumble mumble) when I was in college, acting as a tech for remote classrooms and instructors between Pullman and Spokane. This was long before the days of internet! To come back to WSU after being away for decades, and being involved with the School of Medicine, seemed like a great opportunity to see all the advances and be a part of the beautiful University District.
What kind of projects are you working on?
Making the perfect grilled cheese. Harder than it sounds.
What is your secret tech tip?
Our new DTEN monitors are a great supplement to the classrooms. They are a great way to get up close and personal and share content.
What are your summer plans?
We love taking day trips around Spokane. When it’s so beautiful here in the summer, why leave?!
What do you love about living in Spokane?
I grew up in the area, so I always look forward to spending time with lifelong friends (or even new ones). The city has exploded with tap rooms and breweries, so there is always somewhere new to explore.
What is your favorite kind of cookie?
Snickerdoodle. And I’m talking about a REAL snickerdoodle, not a sugar cookie rolled in cinnamon and sugar; that is a cheap imposter. A true snickerdoodle has Cream of Tartar in it, and I will die on that hill.