Recent Slack updates

Install Slack

We recommend downloading the Slack app to your desktop or mobile device instead of using Slack through your browser. If you are setting up Slack on a College of Medicine iPad, the Slack application has already been installed, and you can skip to the log-in instructions!

As of September 1, 2022, Slack ended support for the following app and browser versions. If you are on the app and browser versions below, we recommend that you update to continue using Slack.

  • Slack desktop app: 4.19.3 and below
  • Slack mobile app: 21.08.20 and below
  • Browsers: Edge 89, Firefox 87, Chrome 89

As of September 1, 2022, the following operating systems (OS) are no longer supported. You can access Slack if you’re using a supported app version, but you won’t receive app updates. To keep your data safe and secure, we strongly recommend you update your system as soon as possible.

  • Mac OS: 10.13 and below
  • Windows OS: Windows 10 version 2004 and below; Windows 10 server 2004 and below
  • Android OS: 8.1 and below

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