You see our names behind Slack posts, email messages, and E.Flo communications—but who is the Office of Technology, really? Get to know us a little more (and see which treats we prefer, if you want to bring some by).
Get to know Amy Denman, who is in her first go-round with the fall term supporting MS2s!

What brought you to the College of Medicine?
My arrival at the COM is best described as “full circle.” I grew up in Medical Lake, just outside of Spokane, and graduated from Gonzaga University, then spent twenty-five years traversing the country, courtesy of the U.S. Air Force via my husband’s career. Amazingly, I am still only thirty-five years old (just kidding)!
I am a Zag, but husband Brian is a Coug, so I’ve been cheering on WSU since waaayy back! When we decided to retire in 2019, we came home. I was evaluating job positions in the local area and felt a pull toward higher education. When this position came up, I thought it would be a challenging and interesting job with the bonus of supporting medical students on their paths to their M.D.
What kind of projects are you working on?
The great thing about this job is that I get to do many different things; it is hard to choose one! Some work is techy, some of it is process flows and organization (near and dear to my heart), and there is lots of opportunity for creativity. I love problem-solving, so I am happiest when working on things that improve life and work for people, or find a solution to a need.
What is your secret tech tip?
Anything that helps me do something automatically, without having to remember is a bonus. So, I set up my Login Items on my user profile on my MacBook and iMac to kick in as soon as I log on to my computer.
What are your summer plans?
Summer plans are quiet this year, but we have serious designs on an overseas vacation next year, once our two children graduate from Gonzaga—Abby in December and Will in May. My mother is British, so I have family in the U.K., and we would also like to go to the Continent. I am voting for southern France (Provence or Dordogne . . . plazas with baguettes, wine, and cheese) but husband Brian is lobbying for Scotland (whiskey tours, moody castles, and medieval warfare). Our son, William, speaks German, so he would like that, and our daughter is happy wherever she can buy old antique books! Whatever we choose will have a large history component since we are all nerds that way.
What do you love about living in Spokane?
After living all over the U.S. thanks to the Air Force, I can safely say three things:
- Our family is here.
- The weather. It’s not humid, and I can sleep with my windows open! Added bonus: No hurricanes (yes, I have lived through a couple) or tornadoes (yep, those, too).
- The scenery. I love that I can see the horizon and the beautiful sunsets we have here. There’s diversity—mountains, rivers, and lakes are beautiful—but so is the Palouse in its glory, and the orchards and fields up north, too. The view from my sister-in-law’s cabin on Orcas Island ranks at the top of the list, too.
What is your favorite kind of cookie?
My homemade vanilla shortbread cookies! Flaky, tasty-without-being-too-sweet, and perfect with a cup of tea. Once I perfected the recipe, it became my favorite. If you’re lucky, I’ll make some near the winter break.
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I am fascinated in how people learn and grow, and how we support each other in those efforts. So, my tastes run the gamut from psychology to organizational development, to theology and back again. I stumbled on this as I was researching a different topic: Kolb’s Learning Styles and Experiential Learning Cycles